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Why Is Your Window Rattling?

Are you constantly being bothered by rattling windows in your home? Not only can this be an annoying disturbance, but it can also indicate underlying issues that require immediate attention. In this post, Renewal by Andersen® of Rapid City will discuss the common causes of rattling windows and the effective solutions to fix them. 

Why Is Your Window Rattling?

Causes of Window Rattling

Window rattling can be caused by several factors. Loose glass panes are a common culprit, as they can vibrate and create noise when subjected to external factors like strong winds or even loud noises from the outside. Damaged or worn-out weatherstripping can also lead to window rattling, as gaps between the sash and frame allow for movement and vibration. 

Warped or damaged window frames can cause a similar issue if they don’t fit securely and keep vibrating in place when the wind touches them. Additionally, external factors such as nearby construction work or heavy traffic can contribute to window rattling.

Fixes for Window Rattling

The first step to addressing window rattling is having a professional inspect and assess your windows. They can identify the cause of the issue and recommend the right fix for your situation. In some cases, the best course of action would be to get home replacement windows. Replacing old, damaged windows with high-quality options not only can eliminate noise but also improve energy efficiency in your home and reduce drafts.

Preventive Measures

To avoid window rattling in the future, make sure to keep your windows well-maintained. Clean the window tracks, checkfor loose or damaged hardware and replace weatherstripping as needed. Additionally, investing in high-quality windows made from quality framing materials like Renewal by Andersen’s Fibrex® can help prevent issues like warping or damage that can lead to window rattling.

Get Expert Window Assistance

For high-quality window replacement services, get in touch with Renewal by Andersen of Rapid City. Our team can guide toward the perfect window solution so you can enjoy a comfortable and noise-free home year-round. Schedule a consultation with us today by calling (605) 341-7831 or filling out our contact form.


"The Andersen crew was very prompt and professional, and was finished in 1 day. Great!"

Terri Vaughn
May 10

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